Press release
Lund February 2, 2017
Scandinavian ChemoTech AB (publ) signed their second LOI in the Philippines
On Februrary 1st 2017 ChemoTech wrote their second Letter of Intent in the Philippines. This LOI was signed with Makati Medical Center (“MMC”) in Manila. According to the agreement, MCC are to conduct and assess treatments with the help of IQWaveTM Dynamic-ElectroEnhanced ChemotherapyTM on selected patients. Thereafter they are to decide if they will buy or lease IQWaveTM equipment. This is the second LOI ChemoTech have written in a short period of time with a leading hospital in the region.
– The introduction of IQWaveTM on the Philippine market has begun very well for ChemoTech. This is the second declaration of intent in a short period of time with hospitals within the MPIC, and we look forward to the results from MMC’s evaluation. We believe that we can make a big difference in this region, as the need is great for a modern and cost effective treatment method for breast-, head- and throat cancer, says Mohan Frick, CEO at ChemoTech.
MMC are a part of the group MPIC, which owns a total of nine hospitals in the Philippines. Among them is Asian Hospital, with which ChemoTech recently established a similar agreement.
A new name for the IQWaveTM treatment
ChemoTech have decided to change the name of the IQWaveTM treatment. The new name is “Dyanmic-ElectroEnhanced Chemotherapy” and is shortened to D-EECT (phonetically DEKT). The reason is that ChemoTech wants to give a clearer image to both caregivers and caretakers of what the IQWaveTM does, as well as clarifying that the method is still based on chemotherapy.
For more information, please contact:
Mohan Frick, CEO
+ 46 (0)10-218 93 00 [email protected]
Scandinavian ChemoTech AB (publ)
This information is such information which Scandinavian ChemoTech AB (publ) are obligated to make public according to EU’s market abuse regulation and the law of securities market. The information was submitted by the agency of below stated contact person, to be made public on Thursday February 2nd 2017 at 11.15 (CET).